TM Grupo Inmobiliario

TM Grupo Inmobiliario
2017, the year that places sport and wellbeing on centre stage

2017, the year that places sport and wellbeing on centre stage

30.10.2017 |  Blog TM  | Corporativo | TM News 

Lecture time: 3 minutes

Sport undoubtedly plays a key role in our physical and emotional wellbeing when you consider the many health benefits it affords. More and more people acknowledge the importance of strengthening both body and mind to live a full and a healthy life. At TM we are convinced this is directly linked to the benefits of warm weather and a relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle. That’s why our business principle is focused on bringing all of this to our customers’ doorstep, which they long for both in their daily lives and during their holidays. It is our view that everyone should be able to practice their favourite hobby or sport in the open air, with warm sunshine all year around. What is certain is that, among the positive effects sport has on our health, it rejuvenates us and gives us the feel-good factor. We firmly believe that by encouraging sport, we help enrich our community. It means making everyone a part of our goals, creating a more cohesive and stronger unit… a bit like a team! That’s why in 2017 we have continued to encourage a healthy lifestyle by promoting sport in different disciplines on a local, national and international level. Here we give you a taste of some of our activities along this line.

Elche aplenty, Hércules the great and even more sport

Football is a sport we have followed closely throughout 2017. Among the teams we have been proud to officially sponsor include: Elche CF, Hércules CF and Atlético de Orihuela CF. All of these teams are very well known in the province of Alicante. Engaging with the fans and sharing their hopes and dreams is our way of showing respect for a sport that reaffirms our own values.

A home with the ideal setting to practice your favourite sport

This year we have helped propel the careers of renowned cyclists and some the world’s most talented sportsmen who have achieved great things. These include Alberto Contador and his Foundation, Carlos Coloma and Julián Sanz. We have also given a push to help new talented sports stars, such as Rocío del Alba who has begun to show promise in rising through the ranks.

This season we are, once again, key contributors to the Spanish Triathlon Federation (FETRI) having organized the yearly Triathlon Championships named after the residential development in which it is held; Mar de Pulpí Pueblo Mediterráneo. We are pleased to announce that this complex was officially nominated as FETRI’s Official Training Centre. This affirms TM’s commitment and effort to include a varied and complete set of sports facilities in its residential developments.

Lastly, tennis is a sport worthy of special mention, given TM’s close support of the Torrevieja Tennis Club and tennis star Eva Guerrero. We are thrilled for her professional achievements and we don’t doubt that she will continue to be a great success in this sport.

Almost half a century devoted to fostering quality of life

We boast over 45 years of industry experience, and this year we remain focused on improving our customers’ quality of life. Our properties are designed to offer particular facilities and infrastructure, creating the ideal place to practice sport while fostering health and wellbeing. TM’s core objective is to share the Mediterranean lifestyle. The sun, sea breeze and warm temperatures, creating the perfect environment in which to enjoy the life you deserve.

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TM Grupo Inmobiliario.