TM Grupo Inmobiliario

TM Grupo Inmobiliario
Houses with Nordic Style

Houses with Nordic Style

28.12.2017 |  Blog TM  | LifeStyle | TM News 

Lecture time: 3 minutes

As the cold starts to set in as autumn paves the way to winter, it’s a good time to give your home a new look with the latest trends in interior design. Just like fashion, trends come and go each season, but the basic rules to style remain timeless if know how to adapt the colours, prints, fabrics and materials.

Every year we see Nordic Style making its way as the must-have interior design for homes and even in offices. If you like Scandinavian design and simple lines, you’ll love this style! Here we give you some key pointers to put your own stamp on this latest style for your home this 2018.

Pastel tones no longer feature on walls and furniture, put have instead paved the way to more vibrant and intense hues. White, Scandinavia’s hallmark decorative colour, is combined with next season’s colours which are more intense and complementary, both warm and cold such as blue and orange, brilliant yellow like the Minions or even lime-green ice cream. Think of it as the alter ego of yesteryear’s palette: Elderberry and Hawthorn rose. Rose colours are more potent than ever before, as are turquoise and cardinal-rose that combine nicely with white, almond and eggshell, featuring a palette of neutral metals such as reds and combinations of gold and black.

Wood provides warmth and continues to be used in flooring, tiling, furniture and all types of decorative features such as candle holders, picture frames and accessories for the dinner table. The predominating wooden colours are beech and birch, both of which are soft and add lots of light to your home.

Furniture of this style is characterised by straight and simple lines, particularly in functional furniture with a minimalist look. The aim is to create open spaces without too much detail nor unnecessary features that may break the harmony as functionality meets aesthetics.

Another essential feature of the Nordic style lies in its versatility when combined with other styles. You can create a romantic atmosphere combining it with Shabby-Chic features, or even with ethnic elements to get that nor-ethic look, a style that is becoming increasingly popular.

We hope that armed with these key pointers you can decorate your home giving it an authentic Scandinavian look as you add your own style to next season’s trends.

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