TM Grupo Inmobiliario

TM Grupo Inmobiliario
TM finances 64 social housing units in India along with the Vicente Ferrer Foundation

TM finances 64 social housing units in India along with the Vicente Ferrer Foundation

26.06.2018 |  TM Real Estate Group  | TM News 

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Just a few weeks ago, the Vicente Ferrer Foundation and TM Real Estate Group joined forces to finance the construction of 64 homes in a village in southern India called Moukthikapuram, located in the Kalyandurg-Anantapur district. The agreement was formalised on 25 May by the signing of a collaboration agreement between Ángeles Serna, President of TM, and Jordi Folgado, General Director of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation.

Within the framework of our Corporate Social Responsibility programme, this project has been dubbed the José Luis Serna Village – Moukthikapuram in honour of our founder, and its main objective is to help the most disadvantaged people in the region to access decent housing.

This is another action that shows our firm commitment to the search for solutions so that the less privileged can enjoy housing that meets the minimum conditions of habitability, safety and health. It is another TM initiative stressing the ethical principles of solidarity and equal opportunities with the aim of creating a fairer and more sustainable society.

Thanks to this agreement, over 300 people in this district will be able to enjoy a decent home and improve their quality of life.

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