TM Grupo Inmobiliario

TM Grupo Inmobiliario
Renewed our commitment with the NGO Payasospital

Renewed our commitment with the NGO Payasospital

06.10.2021 |  Blog TM  | Corporativo | TM News 

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We have renewed our commitment with the NGO Payasospital to bring joy to children hospitalised in Alicante General Hospital, improving their emotional health and that of their families.

Since 1999, Payasospital has been making weekly visits to children affected by various health problems admitted to the main public hospitals in the Valencian Community. The aim is to improve their quality of life with fun, fantasy, tenderness and lots of laughter. Professional clowns in coordination with the health staff carry out performances adapted to each child to bring a smile to their faces and provide them with moments of distraction.

With the health crisis, the association had to interrupt the on-site visits. Even so, they adapted their performance online and continued to bring smiles to the little patients, families and healthcare staff, through live Instagram feeds and more than 100 video calls with performances for them through the #SonrisasdesdeCasa initiative. During 2020, the association made more than 400 video calls, 387 virtual visits and 224 videos.

In April this year, with the authorisation of the health authorities, face-to-face visits to some of the centres they used to visit periodically were resumed with very positive results.

Here at TM we are happy to make our contribution to support this beautiful and enormous work, because we identify with the values that inspire and motivate them.

Find out more about their work at this link:

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