TM Grupo Inmobiliario

TM Grupo Inmobiliario

Apartments and penthouse apartments with 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms in Selwo, Estepona

Marine Hills by TM is a place where the sea and nature become one, with stunning Mediterranean sea views. from €514.000

Marine Hills by TM is located in an exceptional setting just 10 minutes from Estepona, in the heart of the Costa del Sol's Golden Triangle, surrounded by several golf courses and a wide range of leisure facilities and services in Puerto Banús, Benahavís and Marbella. This development has different property types available: apartments and penthouse apartments with 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms with 2 or 3 bathrooms, with stunning sea and countryside views, surrounded by nature.

Delivery: 28 February 2026

  • Parking spaces
  • Golf Courses
  • Swimming Pool
  • The Beaches
  • WiFi

The exceptional communal areas in this development include a heated pool and summer pool, poolside areas, children pool, kids water play area with fun water jets, hot tubs, green landscaped areas with walkways to the pools, equipped gym with a padel court, accessible toilet and changing room, spa, co-working room, multi-purpose room, community storeroom and security booth. All properties include a basement parking space and storage room. Marine Hills by TM is a place where you can enjoy Mediterranean life to the fullest.

Properties available

Letter Block N. M2 Price Floor Planos Solarium Garden Orientation Garage Furnishings Delivery  
H0 3A 62 278m2 1.057.000€ 0 It includes Parking Space 100, Parking Space With Store Room 102 Download plans - - South Si 30.200€ March 2026 Reserve
H1 3A 64 216m2 976.000€ 1 It includes Parking Space 94, Parking Space With Store Room 92 Download plans - - South Si 30.200€ March 2026 Reserve
J1 3B 70 216m2 869.000€ -2 It includes Store Room 9, Parking Space 49 Download plans - - South Si 30.200€ March 2026 Reserve
Letter Block N. M2 Price Floor Planos Solarium Garden Orientation Garage Furnishings Delivery  
A2b 1A 18 309m2 883.000€ 2 It includes Parking Space 63, Parking Space With Store Room 66 Download plans 125m2 - Southeast Si 26.200€ February 2026 Reserve
A2b 2A 45 309m2 923.000€ 2 It includes Parking Space 81, Parking Space With Store Room 84 Download plans 125m2 - Southeast Si 26.200€ February 2026 Reserve
Letter Block N. M2 Price Floor Planos Solarium Garden Orientation Garage Furnishings Delivery  
A0b 1A 14 232m2 690.000€ 0 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 17 Download plans - - Southeast Si 26.200€ February 2026 Reserve
A0a 2A 28 231m2 731.000€ 0 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 27 Download plans - - Southeast Si 26.200€ February 2026 Reserve
A0b 2A 41 232m2 702.000€ 0 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 72 Download plans - - Southeast Si 26.200€ February 2026 Reserve
A1b 2A 43 179m2 639.000€ 1 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 82 Download plans - - Southeast Si - February 2026 Reserve
T0 3A 55 223m2 871.000€ 0 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 50 Download plans - - South Si 26.200€ March 2026 Reserve
T1 3A 57 179m2 818.000€ 1 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 44 Download plans - - South Si 26.200€ March 2026 Reserve
I1 3B 69 180m2 799.000€ -2 It includes Store Room 8, Parking Space 45 Download plans - - South Si 26.200€ March 2026 Reserve
Letter Block N. M2 Price Floor Planos Solarium Garden Orientation Garage Furnishings Delivery  
B2a 1A 6 190m2 678.000€ 2 It includes Parking Space 2, Parking Space With Store Room 3 Download plans 71m2 - Southeast Si 21.000€ February 2026 Reserve
B2a 2A 33 190m2 738.000€ 2 It includes Parking Space 35, Parking Space With Store Room 34 Download plans 71m2 - Southeast Si 21.000€ February 2026 Reserve
B2b 2A 44 189m2 700.000€ 2 It includes Parking Space 83, Parking Space With Store Room 80 Download plans 71m2 - Southeast Si 21.000€ February 2026 Reserve
G2 3A 65 216m2 848.000€ 2 It includes Parking Space 47, Parking Space With Store Room 48 Download plans 82m2 - South Si 21.000€ March 2026 Reserve
Letter Block N. M2 Price Floor Planos Solarium Garden Orientation Garage Furnishings Delivery  
D2a 1A 11 224m2 836.000€ 2 It includes Parking Space 8, Parking Space With Store Room 10 Download plans 53m2 - Southeast Si 26.100€ February 2026 Reserve
D2b 1A 12 224m2 838.000€ 2 It includes Parking Space 14, Parking Space With Store Room 15 Download plans 53m2 - Southeast Si 26.100€ February 2026 Reserve
Letter Block N. M2 Price Floor Planos Solarium Garden Orientation Garage Furnishings Delivery  
B0a 2A 29 158m2 575.000€ 0 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 28 Download plans - - Southeast Si 21.000€ February 2026 Reserve
B0b 2A 40 158m2 539.000€ 0 It includes Store Room 7, Parking Space 37 Download plans - - Southeast Si 21.000€ February 2026 Reserve
B1b 2A 42 109m2 514.000€ 1 It includes Store Room 14, Parking Space 77 Download plans - - Southeast Si 21.000€ February 2026 Reserve
C0a 2A 34 178m2 600.000€ 0 It includes Store Room 5, Parking Space 33 Download plans - - Southeast Si 21.000€ February 2026 Reserve
C0b 2A 35 178m2 579.000€ 0 It includes Store Room 6, Parking Space 31 Download plans - - Southeast Si 21.000€ February 2026 Reserve
C1b 2A 37 123m2 555.000€ 1 It includes Store Room 13, Parking Space 75 Download plans - - Southeast Si 21.000€ February 2026 Reserve
G0a 3A 56 174m2 689.000€ 0 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 39 Download plans - - South Si 21.000€ March 2026 Reserve
G0b 3A 61 174m2 689.000€ 0 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 41 Download plans - - South Si 21.000€ March 2026 Reserve
G1a 3A 58 125m2 658.000€ 1 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 95 Download plans - - South Si 21.000€ March 2026 Reserve
G1b 3A 63 125m2 659.000€ 1 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 99 Download plans - - South Si 21.000€ March 2026 Reserve
Letter Block N. M2 Price Floor Planos Solarium Garden Orientation Garage Furnishings Delivery  
E0a 1B 19 172m2 606.000€ -3 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 61 Download plans - 57m2 Southeast Si 25.800€ February 2026 Reserve
E0b 1B 21 172m2 564.000€ -3 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 64 Download plans - 57m2 Southeast Si 25.800€ February 2026 Reserve
E0a 2B 46 172m2 640.000€ -3 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 30 Download plans - 59m2 Southeast Si 25.800€ February 2026 Reserve
E0b 2B 48 172m2 601.000€ -3 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 79 Download plans - 59m2 Southeast Si 25.800€ February 2026 Reserve
E1a 2B 49 171m2 600.000€ -2 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 78 Download plans - - Southeast Si 25.800€ February 2026 Reserve
E1b 2B 51 171m2 569.000€ -2 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 76 Download plans - - Southeast Si 25.800€ February 2026 Reserve
E2b 2B 54 170m2 589.000€ -1 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 32 Download plans - - Southeast Si 25.800€ February 2026 Reserve
F0a 2B 47 155m2 593.000€ -3 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 74 Download plans - 58m2 Southeast Si 25.800€ February 2026 Reserve
F1a 2B 50 171m2 585.000€ -2 It includes Parking Space With Store Room 88 Download plans - - Southeast Si 25.800€ February 2026 Reserve
Letter Block N. M2 Price Floor Planos Solarium Garden Orientation Garage Furnishings Delivery  
AP A 18 18m2 16.000€ -1   Download plans - - No - February 2026 Reserve
AP A 20 19m2 16.000€ -1   Download plans - - No - February 2026 Reserve
AP D 55 18m2 16.000€ -2   Download plans - - No - February 2026 Reserve
AP D 57 18m2 16.000€ -2   Download plans - - No - February 2026 Reserve
AP D 69 18m2 16.000€ -2   Download plans - - No - February 2026 Reserve
AP D 71 19m2 16.000€ -2   Download plans - - No - February 2026 Reserve
AP E 85 18m2 16.000€ -2   Download plans - - No - February 2026 Reserve
AP E 87 18m2 16.000€ -2   Download plans - - No - February 2026 Reserve
AP F 97 16m2 15.000€ -2   Download plans - - No - March 2026 Reserve

Properties available

Type Bedrooms Bathrooms Price M2
Apartment 2 2 514.000€ - 689.000€ 109m2 - 178m2
  N. Plans Floor M2 Solarium Garden Price Delivery  
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 28 29 Download plans 0 158m2 - - 575.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Store Room 7, Parking Space 37 40 Download plans 0 158m2 - - 539.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Store Room 14, Parking Space 77 42 Download plans 1 109m2 - - 514.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Store Room 5, Parking Space 33 34 Download plans 0 178m2 - - 600.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Store Room 6, Parking Space 31 35 Download plans 0 178m2 - - 579.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Store Room 13, Parking Space 75 37 Download plans 1 123m2 - - 555.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 39 56 Download plans 0 174m2 - - 689.000€ March 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 41 61 Download plans 0 174m2 - - 689.000€ March 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 95 58 Download plans 1 125m2 - - 658.000€ March 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 99 63 Download plans 1 125m2 - - 659.000€ March 2026 Reserve
Apartment 3 2 564.000€ - 640.000€ 155m2 - 172m2
  N. Plans Floor M2 Solarium Garden Price Delivery  
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 61 19 Download plans -3 172m2 - 57m2 606.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 64 21 Download plans -3 172m2 - 57m2 564.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 30 46 Download plans -3 172m2 - 59m2 640.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 79 48 Download plans -3 172m2 - 59m2 601.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 78 49 Download plans -2 171m2 - - 600.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 76 51 Download plans -2 171m2 - - 569.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 32 54 Download plans -1 170m2 - - 589.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 74 47 Download plans -3 155m2 - 58m2 593.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 88 50 Download plans -2 171m2 - - 585.000€ February 2026 Reserve
Apartment 3 3 639.000€ - 871.000€ 179m2 - 232m2
  N. Plans Floor M2 Solarium Garden Price Delivery  
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 17 14 Download plans 0 232m2 - - 690.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 27 28 Download plans 0 231m2 - - 731.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 72 41 Download plans 0 232m2 - - 702.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 82 43 Download plans 1 179m2 - - 639.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 50 55 Download plans 0 223m2 - - 871.000€ March 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space With Store Room 44 57 Download plans 1 179m2 - - 818.000€ March 2026 Reserve
It includes Store Room 8, Parking Space 45 69 Download plans -2 180m2 - - 799.000€ March 2026 Reserve
Apartment 4 3 869.000€ - 1.057.000€ 216m2 - 278m2
  N. Plans Floor M2 Solarium Garden Price Delivery  
It includes Parking Space 100, Parking Space With Store Room 102 62 Download plans 0 278m2 - - 1.057.000€ March 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space 94, Parking Space With Store Room 92 64 Download plans 1 216m2 - - 976.000€ March 2026 Reserve
It includes Store Room 9, Parking Space 49 70 Download plans -2 216m2 - - 869.000€ March 2026 Reserve
Duplex 3 3 836.000€ - 838.000€ 224m2
  N. Plans Floor M2 Solarium Garden Price Delivery  
It includes Parking Space 8, Parking Space With Store Room 10 11 Download plans 2 224m2 53m2 - 836.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space 14, Parking Space With Store Room 15 12 Download plans 2 224m2 53m2 - 838.000€ February 2026 Reserve
Parking 0 0 15.000€ - 16.000€ 16m2 - 19m2
  N. Plans Floor M2 Solarium Garden Price Delivery  
  18 Download plans -1 18m2 - - 16.000€ February 2026 Reserve
  20 Download plans -1 19m2 - - 16.000€ February 2026 Reserve
  55 Download plans -2 18m2 - - 16.000€ February 2026 Reserve
  57 Download plans -2 18m2 - - 16.000€ February 2026 Reserve
  69 Download plans -2 18m2 - - 16.000€ February 2026 Reserve
  71 Download plans -2 19m2 - - 16.000€ February 2026 Reserve
  85 Download plans -2 18m2 - - 16.000€ February 2026 Reserve
  87 Download plans -2 18m2 - - 16.000€ February 2026 Reserve
  97 Download plans -2 16m2 - - 15.000€ March 2026 Reserve
Penthouse 2 2 678.000€ - 848.000€ 189m2 - 216m2
  N. Plans Floor M2 Solarium Garden Price Delivery  
It includes Parking Space 2, Parking Space With Store Room 3 6 Download plans 2 190m2 71m2 - 678.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space 35, Parking Space With Store Room 34 33 Download plans 2 190m2 71m2 - 738.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space 83, Parking Space With Store Room 80 44 Download plans 2 189m2 71m2 - 700.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space 47, Parking Space With Store Room 48 65 Download plans 2 216m2 82m2 - 848.000€ March 2026 Reserve
Penthouse 3 3 883.000€ - 923.000€ 309m2
  N. Plans Floor M2 Solarium Garden Price Delivery  
It includes Parking Space 63, Parking Space With Store Room 66 18 Download plans 2 309m2 125m2 - 883.000€ February 2026 Reserve
It includes Parking Space 81, Parking Space With Store Room 84 45 Download plans 2 309m2 125m2 - 923.000€ February 2026 Reserve

The Surrounding Area

The beaches

Less than 2 km away are the El Castor, Arroyo de las Cañas and Guadalmina beaches, perfect for swimming. The coastal path which connects these beaches is about 5 km long and is ideal for a walk or exercising. And if you need refreshments, the Sonor Beach snack bar on Guadalmina beach is the place to go.

Services in the area

Marine Hills by TM is located close to the Selwo Aventura Park, and it boasts stunning views of the countryside and the sea on the horizon, nestled in the heart of the Golden Triangle, Puerto Banús-Estepona-Benahavís. It has excellent transport links: 1.7 km from the A-7 (N-340), 13 km from the AP-7 and 45 minutes from Málaga airport. This development is close to the prestigious international Atlas American School of Málaga which offers infant, primary, secondary and college education and the new Russian Orthodox Church.

Golf Courses

For golf lovers, the Costa del Sol is the dream location to play. From the Marine Hills by TM development, you can walk to the La Resina Golf & Country Club golf course. There are seven golf courses within a 5 km radius: Atalaya, El Paraíso, El Campanario, Marbella Club, Flamingos, Villa Podierna and Tramores.

Optional Furnishings


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Why TM

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